Character count and images
X.XXX characters are permitted for the abstract text including spaces and references (excluding author names and titles). If your abstract contains tables or graphics, you can submit them in .png or .jpg format. You may submit no more than XXX graphics to an entry, each of which may not exceed a storage capacity of XXX kb. Please note that if the abstract is accepted, the graphics will be printed IN BLACK AND WHITE OR COLORED in the abstract volume.
Please note that your abstract must be submitted in LANGUAGE.
Structure of the abstract
The abstract can be submitted in German or English. In addition, the following should be considered when creating:
- Introduction
- Goals
- Materials & Methods
- Results
- Summary
The review of the abstracts takes place after the deadline (DD. MONTH 20XX). Authors (poster/lecture) will be notified from MONTH 20XX.
The presenting author is obliged to register for the conference. You should note that the author is not automatically registered by submitting the abstract. Registration is necessary.
Forms of contribution
Free presentations
Case presentations
Electronic poster presentations
Registration in the abstract system
- Create your private account when registering as an author. You will then receive your password by email. Please note that it can also happen that the e-mail reply with your private password arrives in your spam folder. If you have not received the password by email after 60 minutes, please send an email to
- After receiving your password, please log in with your e-mail and your password. You can now enter your abstract under abstract submission. Please follow the given steps to do so.
Once your abstract has been successfully submitted, you will receive a confirmation email. Please check your spam folder here as well.
You can now register at any time and until the deadline at TT. MONTH 20XX Submit additional abstracts or modify existing abstracts.
Please note that the scientific committee evaluates the abstracts and therefore the preference between lecture/ePoster/case presentation selected at the time of submission is not a guarantee.
Your support
Phone +49 (0)3641 31 16 XXX
Fax +49 (0)3641 31 16 XXX